The 23rd FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF) will take place in Pavia, Italy, from 26th to 29th June 2024.
As a satellite meeting of the 48th FEBS Congress, the ‘YSF 2024’ will bring together around 100 talented postdocs and PhD students from across the FEBS area who are working in the molecular and cellular biosciences. The gathering enables participants to present their scientific results, discuss ideas and get to know each other in a friendly international atmosphere, before moving on to the larger Congress in Milano. In addition to presentations from the participants, there will be keynote lectures, advice and information on career-related issues, and a social programme.
FEBS will financially support participation of successful YSF applicants in both the YSF and the ensuing FEBS Congress, via YSF grants.
Full details of the eligibility criteria and the link to apply are on the YSF applications page. Applicants must submit an abstract to the YSF and Congress as first author. Applicants also need to be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society* – that is, one of the national biochemistry and molecular biology societies that make up FEBS, which are listed here.
YSF applications must be made through the Congress registration system, selecting the YSF Applicant option, by the deadline of 7 December 2023.
Useful links:
48th FEBS Congress website: https://2024.febscongress.org/
YSF section of the 48th FEBS Congress website starts here: https://2024.febscongress.org/ysf-welcome
Congress social media: https://www.facebook.com/FEBSevents/; https://www.instagram.com/febscongress/
*For the YSF 2024, there will also be two places for scientists from non-FEBS countries, funded by IUBMB.