Update 10 March 2023: It is still possible to submit abstracts to the 47th FEBS Congress for consideration for oral presentations and inclusion in the FEBS Open Bio Congress supplement during a short extension period until end of 13 March 2023. Check the Congress website news post here.
Alongside the exciting invited speaker programme planned for the 47th FEBS Congress this summer in Tours, France, you can present your own work too.
Abstracts on research from across the molecular life sciences (and also ‘education’ abstracts) are invited now for consideration for poster presentations and oral presentations at the event. Note the deadline of 9 March 2023 for inclusion of abstracts in the FEBS Open Bio Congress supplement – and it is also the deadline for the early registration fee and applications for support schemes.
Posters often report some of the most up-to-date research at the event and are a very useful aid for networking and discussing findings, and poster prizes will be awarded by FEBS Press. Oral presentation opportunities (short talks in the symposia and speed talks in dedicated sessions) will provide a chance to present work to a wide international audience, gain experience giving talks and earn recognition for research progress.
Find the event website here: https://2023.febscongress.org/
For detailed information on submitting abstracts, see the Call for Abstracts page.
Abstract topics can be viewed here.
The Congress organizers look forward to receiving your abstracts!