Today we have not one but three award announcements to make.
The FEBS Press journals issue several prizes and awards throughout the year, to highlight key articles published in the journals, as well as best talks and posters at relevant conferences.
Here we are delighted to introduce you to the winners of three of those journal article awards. We invite you to visit the journals’ website to read about the awardees’ research.
The FEBS Journal Richard Perham Prize
Named in recognition of Richard Perham‘s outstanding contributions to The FEBS Journal and to FEBS, this is an annual prize of €5000 to the authors of a particularly important paper published in the journal in the previous calendar year.
The FEBS Journal Richard Perham Prize 2023 was awarded to co-first authors Celeste Riepe and Elena Zelin (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and co-corresponding authors Nicholas Ingolia and Jacob Corn for their outstanding paper:
Double stranded DNA breaks and genome editing trigger loss of ribosomal protein RPS27A.
Riepe C, Zelin E, Frankino PA, Meacham ZA, Fernandez SG, Ingolia NT & Corn JE (2022) FEBS J 289, 3101–3114.
The FEBS Letters Award
This is a prize of €5000 presented annually to the corresponding author of the best research paper published in FEBS Letters in the previous calendar year.
The FEBS Letters Award 2024 was awarded to Rachel Flynn (Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, USA) for the outstanding paper:
The exoribonuclease XRN2 mediates degradation of the long non-coding telomeric RNA TERRA.
Reiss M, Keegan J, Aldrich A, Lyons SM, Flynn RL. (2023) FEBS Lett. 597(14):1818-1836.
FEBS Open Bio Article Prize
This prize is awarded to an early-career researcher who has published a paper of especial interest and importance in the journal in the preceding year. The prize consists of a travel bursary to allow the winner to attend the annual FEBS Congress.
The FEBS Open Bio Article Prize 2024 was awarded to Klaudia Jączyńska (UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA) as the first author of the outstanding paper:
Analysis of tripartite Synaptotagmin-1-SNARE-complexin-1 complexes in solution.
Jaczynska K, Esquivies L, Pfuetzner RA, Alten B, Brewer KD, Zhou Q, Kavalali ET, Brunger AT and Rizo J (2023) FEBS Open Biol 13, 26–50.
Find out more about the FEBS Press journals.